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Creating the Perfect Home Working Space
Published On:
May 17, 2019
Writing for EQ3 Stories, I explore not only the reasons why working from home has become so popular, but the ways in which you can create a productive workspace in your home.
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Telecommuting, or working from home, has become more and more popular among not only those working in traditional corporate environments but also those working for small businesses or start-ups. Beyond that, the prevalence of people choosing to work as full-time independent contractors is growing even more, with the Harvard Business Review noting that the number of people leaving the traditional work environment of the corporate office for freelance life has reached 150 million across North America and Western Europe, or about 20-30% of those of working age.

Benefits of Independent Work

Whether the motivation for choosing freelance work is based on lifestyle, finances, or a combination of the two, creating space at home where you can be productive and creative is not always an easy task. And whether you’re telecommuting or simply wish to create an area at home where you can develop your passions in your free time, it’s important to have a dedicated space to do so. However, not all homes allow for an isolated office space.

But even if you don’t have the luxury of a spare bedroom to turn into your office-away-from-the-office, there are options for establishing a coherent workspace that will allow you to be productive without taking over your living space.

Whether the motivation for choosing freelance work is based on lifestyle, finances, or a combination of the two, creating space at home where you can be productive and creative is not always an easy task. And whether you’re telecommuting or simply wish to create an area at home where you can develop your passions in your free time, it’s important to have a dedicated space to do so. However, not all homes allow for an isolated office space. But even if you don’t have the luxury of a spare bedroom to turn into your office-away-from-the-office, there are options for establishing a coherent workspace that will allow you to be productive without taking over your living space.

Determine How you Work Best

The beauty of creating your own home office is that you get to design a space suited specifically to you and your needs. A good first step in creating that space is to determine how exactly you like to work, and what you need in order to be happy and productive. Just as everyone learns differently, everyone works differently, so the default set-up of a corporate work environment may not actually be best for you.

Do you get sore from sitting all day? Perhaps an ergonomic desk is worth a try. Do you need cozy surroundings or seating? Maybe a comfortable chair and side table for your laptop are your best bets. Do you need visual inspiration to keep you motivated? Be sure you have space for a bulletin board or even a ledge to display the images or references that will keep you on track.

Carve Out a Space of your Own

But even if you don’t have the luxury of a spare bedroom to turn into your office-away-from-the-office, there are options for establishing a coherent workspace that will allow you to be productive without taking over your living space.

Whether the motivation for choosing freelance work is based on lifestyle, finances, or a combination of the two, creating space at home where you can be productive and creative is not always an easy task. And whether you’re telecommuting or simply wish to create an area at home where you can develop your passions in your free time, it’s important to have a dedicated space to do so. However, not all homes allow for an isolated office space. But even if you don’t have the luxury of a spare bedroom to turn into your office-away-from-the-office, there are options for establishing a coherent workspace that will allow you to be productive without taking over your living space.

Choose a Warm Colour Palette

Depending on the kind of work that you do from home, you may want to create a space that will permanently remain your working area, or you may need to make use of the surfaces in your home to set up a temporary workspace. Either way, choosing office furniture and accessories that match the warmth of your home will make those pieces versatile in that you can easily transform Friday’s workspace into Saturday’s lounge area or breakfast nook.

It’s important to consider the overall tone of your home, particularly when you’re creating an office in a small space, and choosing warm tones is often the easiest way to create cohesiveness throughout a room or home. From upholstered stools to wood-toned filing cabinets, choosing or customizing pieces in earth tones or made from natural materials will help to make your workspace fit more easily into the rest of your home. And for those of us who live in apartments or condos, warmer tones are also more compatible with those elements of a home that we cannot change, like hardwood floors or trim.

Choose Versatile Furniture

Just as it’s important to ensure that the colour choices you make for your home office setup remain consistent with the rest of your space, the specific furniture pieces that you choose should be versatile and work in tandem with the rest of your home’s furniture. For a home office in a small space, pieces that can serve more than one function are a great option. Ladder desks and occasional tables are perfect as they can function as a daytime workspace and a weekend storage solution. If you don’t have the space for a dedicated desk, upgrading your dining room or kitchen table to one that can serve dual functions is a worthwhile investment.

Working from home has a multitude of benefits, and creating a space in which you remain productive, organized, and creative at home is paramount. Paying attention to not only the ways in which you best operate, but where you can do your best work and the colours and pieces you choose to facilitate that work will help lead you toward a fulfilling telecommuting lifestyle.

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